

Leading2Leadership is a transformational strategic planning agency designed to help credit unions and community banks define and differentiate their future. We help organizations determine the why, what, how, and who of strategic transformation. The strategies we excel in include:

Data Strategy Digital Strategy Leadership Excellence
Cultural Alignment Marketing/BD Strategy


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Keynote Speaker

“Presentations that engage, inspire and empower audiences”
Act Now!

Strategic Planning

“Strategic Planning has two purposes, to create transformation and differentiation.
Anything less than that is a waste of resources and time.”
Make a Difference Today!

Leadership Development

“Defining and implementing the organizations leadership model
and expectations yields high performing teams and sustainable succession planning”
Plan Now!

Redirect of Focus is broadening its focus. Thoughtful posts on Leadership will still be present but I will also be publishing thoughtful posts on Marketing, Business Development, Big Data and Digital Strategies for credit unions and community banks. I hope you enjoy this expanded focus

Cultural Branding

“Successfully branding the culture will differentiate your organization
in a way that cannot be easily replicated by the competition.”
Seek Options Today!

Need help?

If you seek to align your culture to your mission, purpose, promise, and values, contact Rich at 720.256.4936 or