Board of Directors

Whether you have just been appointed to a board position or are a seasoned board member, you know that an essential part of your role is to monitor the organization's safety, soundness, and sustainability. This is done by how you govern the organization's management and strategic and cultural needs. You also know that you have one employee, the CEO, and may need to learn to trust that person to lead according to the strategies and cultural attributes. But, you also know that along with trust, you need to be able to monitor organizational progress and performance and manage that employee. The Board must also oversee a succession plan and my need to select a CEO successor and replace Board members.

Being on the Board is often not your “day job,” so you must ensure that the responsibilities are done efficiently and effectively, minimizing any learning curves. This is where Leading2Leadership LLC comes in. We will help you answer the following questions:

  • What does a succession plan look like,
  • What should the succession plan take into consideration?
  • How do I get on board with the strategic plan and get assurances that the critical work is getting done by management?
  • What are areas of the organizational culture the board should be aware of and even govern?

These questions are answered using the following resources:

Succession Planning – Do you want a succession plan to sustain and advance the organization? This engagement is designed to bring a process to succession planning by identifying leadership tendencies, cultural alignment, and skill gaps of potential successors.

Strategic Planning – Do you want to evolve your strategic planning to a plan that can be operationalized? This engagement goes beyond setting aspirational goals; it also identifies leadership and cultural tendencies while discovering where gaps in strategic alignment exist. The process doesn’t end until strategic ownership has been defined and a business plan has been agreed upon for each objective. This process will allow monitoring of goal progress and facilitate reporting this progress to the Board.

Cultural Transformation – Are you unsure that everyone in the organization is aligned, rowing in the same direction? Through this engagement, strategic, cultural, and behavioral alignment will be discovered. It will also identify where there is evidence of significant differences in the leadership styles. Once the gaps are identified, a plan will be put into place to close the gaps and get the organization aligned strategically, culturally, and with compatible leadership models.

Board Development – Is there a tendency for the Board to move into the weeds and become what the organization needs, experts and strategy, and governance? This engagement is designed to discover the Board and its members, how they interact with each other and the management team, and how they manage and interact with their sole employee, the CEO. The outcome of this engagement is to better understand the board and each member and recommend development plans designed to take the board to the next level of competency, govern better, and become more strategic leaders for the organization.

Board Training – A competent Board is an asset for the CEO and the entire organization. Board competency comes from the directors having critical strategic, financial, and analytical skills to make vital decisions and provide essential feedback on ideas. Getting to this point of value to the CEO requires a basic understanding of the organization's business model and an understanding of their role and authority. This seven-week Zoom course will "jump-start" your new directors into this essential role.

The course will teach these six basic skills:

  1. The Income Statement
  2. The Balance Sheet
  3. The Key Ratios and how they are derived
  4. The difference between Governance and Management
  5. The difference between Strategy and Tactics
  6. What they need to know to govern the organization properly
    Succession Planning

Need help?

If you seek to align your culture to your mission, purpose, promise, and values, contact Rich at 720.256.4936 or