Board Development – Onsite Workshop



Board Leadership and Governance 

This consulting engagement is designed to take the Board to the next level of governance and strategic thinking. It is a three-step process.

  1. Board Self-Assessment. This assessment is to be completed by each Board Member. The Supervisory Committee Members can be included in this training at the Chair’s discretion. From these self-assessments, Rich will learn:
    • The strengths, weaknesses, and areas of opportunity and development for each Board Member
    • The strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for the Board as a team to become the strategic and governance leaders of the credit union
    • The assessment will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Each participant will return the self-assessment to 30 days before the Board Development Meeting.
  2. Board Readiness Summary (BRS) – From these assessments, Rich will provide the Chair with a Board Readiness Summary one week before the Board Development Meeting. This Summary will detail:
    • What was learned about the Board and its Directors
    • Identify the strengths, weaknesses, and competencies of each Director
    • Insights into the Board’s capabilities and abilities to fulfill their function as the strategic and governance leaders of the organization.
  3. Board Development Meeting – A one-day working session the day before or after the strategic planning session. The purpose of the Board Development meeting is:
    • To affirm the current Board policies and determine what is working, missing, and needs to be changed
    • Establish how to address the current policies that are missing or need changing
    • Define the differences between governance, strategy, and management
    • To identify the Board’s role and responsibilities
    • Build agreement on how the Chair or a director will confront situations where the conversations move from governance and strategy to management

Sample Agenda for the Board Governance Meeting:

  1. The Board Chair sets expectations for the session
  2. Review and discuss the Board Readiness Summary
    • From the Summary, identify specific leadership steps the Board will proceed to work on
  3. Identify specific areas of concern the Board has with current Governance Policies
    • Assign a committee or two to address the identified Governance Policies
  4. Identify where the level of governance needs to be changed
    • Which areas of governance are too “in the weeds.”
    • Which areas of governance need more insight, monitoring, or understanding
  5. Identify what changes can be made today and which need to be researched for potential changes in the future
  6. Set expectations for a presentation of recommendations determined by the assigned subcommittee(s)
  7. For those changes that are to be decided today, there will be a facilitated discussion
  8. Definitions of strategy, governance, and management
  9. Clarify the Board and each Director’s responsibilities regarding strategy and governance
  10. Clarify management’s duties to the Board
  11. Facilitated conversation related to the differences between governance, strategy, and management
  12. Insights and takeaways of the day by attendees
  13. Closing thoughts by the facilitator
  14. The board Chair closes the meeting

Note: If necessary, the chairperson will amend this agenda to meet your organization’s needs.

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