A Leader’s Dilemma; Punish or Pamper?

On CBS Morning, there was a piece titled Punish or Pamper. The news story was about how to maximize productivity in the workplace. Why is this an either/or issue? Is managing a team about punish or pamper? I don’t think so… There are times when employees need and deserve to be pampered, and conversely, there…

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5 Reasons to Redefine Leadership

Too often, leadership is seen as the job of the chosen few and dictated by the org chart. Let’s move past this arcane concept and change our paradigm. Leadership isn’t for the few; leadership is for the masses. Here is why I know this to be true: Marine Corps boot camp taught me that when…

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Leadership, a Journey Without End

The common denominators of respected leaders are they never stop learning, and they never stop teaching. Leadership takes a significant commitment to the journey of others. It is fraught with setbacks, mistakes, tough decisions, and pride. The unwavering leadership commitment is to help others take risks, make mistakes, do things wrong, and from all that…

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Is There a Place for a Humble Leader?

Some lead with ego, and some lead with humility. Which are the most successful leaders? Let’s look at history. Leading with ego, we all have a list that jumps to mind because you’ve probably known or worked for these leaders. I immediately think of Ken Lay of ENRON fame and Joe Nacchio of USWest, leaders…

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Create a Leadership Presence – 4 Steps

Some people seem to have a leadership presence. They seem to own the room when they walk in. How does that happen? How can you create a leadership brand for yourself? First, we will identify the attributes of a leader. Confident Purposeful Authoritative Directive Attentive Specific Trustworthy Second conduct a personal inventory to see which…

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Change Leadership in 8 Steps

All teams have three participants: change agents, change neutrals, and change resistors. The key to leading change is empowering the change agents, influencing the change equivocators, and helping the change resistors understand the WIIFM (what’s in it for me). Here are the critical steps to leading change. First, identify who fits into these categories because…

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There is no “I” in leadership, well sometimes…

There are two kinds of leadership; leading from the front and leading from the back. Let me define the two. Leading from the front is the most often seen because it is the apparent demonstration of leadership. Leading from the front is essential in situations that require a strong vision, direction, or action. It is…

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Leading with Good Intentions

A coworker does something we don’t understand or agree with, what do we do? We write a story in our head. We create scenarios on what we think the intentions of this person were. We create a story with little real evidence, only perception, “intuition,” or assumption. Typically these stories are negative. Usually, these perceptions…

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Meetings Leadership for Effectiveness and Efficiency

Often leadership is fraught with perils, and timing is everything. A successful meeting requires the following: An agenda Time management Quality discourse Conflict resolution Defined next steps with firm deadlines Since a leader’s schedule is heavily weighted with meetings, knowing meeting skills can make the difference between walking out of a session frustrated, feeling like…

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