Career path
We Know Micromanaging is Bad, but How Bad?
No one likes a micromanager. Micromanaging impacts employees and the organizations they work for in myriad ways. Employee satisfaction Think about how satisfied you can be with a job well done or an accomplishment when someone has dictated every step you take, every decision you made, and everything you contributed. Job satisfaction comes not from…
Read MoreSo You Want to Be a Leader; A 3-Step Primer
First, let’s define leadership. Leadership IS NOT about title, rank, direct reports or hierarchal power. Leadership IS about creating change. A person that is not creating change is maybe good at tasks and people management but not a leader. Being a leader requires the individual to have the courage to take risks, use her/his voice…
Read MoreLeadership Doesn’t Mean You Have a Horse
There he is, a leader in the middle of the park, sitting on a horse with a pigeon perched on his hat. Too often, when we picture a leader, this is the image we see. But, what should we see? A leader probably doesn’t have a horse. A leader isn’t bronze in color. A leader…
Read MoreSuccession Planning 2.0
It was noted recently that the cause of most of the 117 mergers the credit union movement has experienced in 2021, most were the result of a missing Succession Plan. Yes, Succession Planning can be daunting and laden with risk. This risk may be illuminated because of the “great resignation.” Companies worried about or experiencing…
Read MoreCareer Decision – Stay or Leave
One of the most important decisions a leader can make in their role is “stay or leave.” Still, it is amazing how many otherwise very competent, seemingly successful people make a terrible decision. Be strategic with this decision. Is the feeling of career crisis due to a: Struggling business model? Bad boss? Acknowledge bosses change?…
Read MoreA Career Transition Essential – Staying Relevant
Navigating a career is never easy. There will be obstacles and disappointments. There will be joys and celebrations. At times, even new opportunities come to you from “out of the blue.” It is when those obstacles, disappointment, and “out of the blue” situations happen is when the true grit of a leader comes to the…
Read MoreThe Basics of a Successful Career
We enter the business world with the expectation that we are starting up a trajectory that will always climb to the next promotion, a continual progression of responsibility and authority. This belief is a myth. Rarely is a career path a constant climb up the ladder? A career path is a “hero’s journey,” one beset…
Read MoreLeadership Stories we Tell Ourselves and Teach Others
Often we’ve written a script in our heads that may or may not be accurate. But this script can be limiting us from attaining our full potential. In this linked post (Is Your “Story” Holding You Back? Six Ways to Rewrite It—and Supercharge Your Power by Nancy D. O’Reilly, PsyD), we discover ways our stories are limiting…
Read MoreLeading from the Back is an Art
We often see a leader as the point person, but the reality is leaders very seldom take the point, and when all goes well, maybe they shouldn’t. Leadership doesn’t take courage; it takes owning the responsibilities of their decisions but then must also inspire the courage of others to act on those decisions. Taking responsibility…
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