Data Governance – Mitigating Data Biases

Part 3 Credit unions have many data sources beyond their core operating system. When a credit union conducts a data source inventory, it is not uncommon to have 50 or more data sources. These third-party data sets and reports commonly come in various formats, with different labels and definitions, and upload and report timing. Inconsistency…

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Serving Members as an Act of Stewardship

Several years ago, I worked with Dale Turner, now CEO at TruStone Financial Credit Union. As the VP of Lending, he stood at the podium of an all-staff meeting and challenged the entire credit union to “think for the member, don’t just respond to the member.” Dale had the wisdom to know the difference between…

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From an Executive to a Strategist – Changing Perceptions.

One complaint I hear from most CEOs about marketing, lending, and operational executives is, “I need my leadership to be more strategic.” But most executives aren’t sure what that really means, and often, the CEO struggles to explain it.  Strategists play a distinct role compared to other executives within an organization. Here are fundamental differences…

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Leadership Brand – Supercharge Your Career

Have you ever defined your leadership brand? If you haven’t, now is the time. The process is simple but deliberate and does not happen overnight. It is a hero’s journey, so expect multiple opportunities to learn from your mistakes and to rely heavily on allies. Why is Your Brand Journey Important? It Enhances Your Credibility…

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Managing a Hybrid Workforce – Success Strategies

Managers are now challenged to effectively manage staff remotely. The cadence of when employees must be “in the office” versus working remotely varies from credit union to credit union and even department to department. Managers and policymakers must realize that team management focuses on equity versus equality. Let’s first identify the purpose of employees meeting…

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19 Ways an Executive Coach Has Your Back

Executives often live in an isolated world and find themselves, at times, feeling inadequate (imposter syndrome) or unsure of their ability to trust their staff, peers, or bosses. Executive coaching offers a customized approach to help leaders manage the loneliness and anxiety of their role by helping them enhance their skills, overcome challenges, and achieve…

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Five Steps to Creating a Digital Culture

When asked “In the past year, which method did you use most often to manage your bank account(s)?” consumers responded as follows: Mobile (apps on smartphone or tablet) – 45% Internet/Online (Laptop or PC) – 27% Branches – 14% (Oct 31, 2022 – American Bankers Association) This statistic says a lot! Mobile utilization is the preferred method…

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