The Seven Steps to Becoming an Innovative Credit Union

As the financial landscape evolves and becomes disrupted, credit unions face the challenge of staying relevant. To maintain relevancy, innovation becomes a must-have if the organization is to meet the changing needs of its members. Embracing innovation is vital for credit unions to thrive. But innovation, for innovation’s sake, is not helpful. All innovation must…

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Credit Unions, Innovate or Die…

Credit unions have been around for over a century and have played a vital role in providing financial services to consumers. However, the financial services industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, and credit unions need to innovate to remain relevant in today’s market. In the late 90s, online banking was an innovation…

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Should YOU Consider a Fractional Executive?

To thrive in today’s ever-evolving financial landscape, credit unions must adapt, innovate, and strategically manage their operations. One innovative solution that credit unions are increasingly turning to is the fractional executive. Fractional executives are experienced professionals who work, typically as contract employees, part-time or on a project basis, to provide specialized expertise and leadership. In…

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Junk Fees- Credit Unions have options

Junk Fees are making the headlines. Many of these “junk fees” are designed to punish a member for bad behavior. Is this what the mission, “People helping People,” means? Using fees to punish members who have made mistakes, are financially stressed, or are struggling doesn’t fit this mission. This article will clarify what they are…

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Get Closer to Your Member with Nano Strategies

Nano strategies at a credit union would refer to implementing highly focused, granular, and member-centric approaches to achieve various goals, such as improving member experience, enhancing operational efficiency, and increasing financial performance. These strategies involve leveraging technology, data, and innovative practices to create personalized experiences and streamline processes. Here are some examples of what nano…

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8 Steps to a Successful Digital Transformation at a Credit Union

Digital transformation is necessary for credit unions to remain competitive in today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape. Embracing digital technologies can enhance member experiences, improve operational efficiency, and enable credit unions to meet their members’ evolving needs and expectations. All too often, we see credit unions doing much work to become digital or mobile-first, but often…

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The Buck Stops Here – How to make sound decisions

Making difficult choices at work can be challenging, especially when the outcome of those decisions can significantly impact the organization and the people it serves. Whether you are a manager or an individual contributor, there are times when you will be faced with difficult choices that require you to consider your options and carefully make…

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Is Data Governance an option? No, it is not!

Data is at the core of every modern organization, from small startups to large multinational corporations. It is what drives businesses, informs decision-making, and provides insights into customer behavior, industry trends, and market opportunities. However, with the increasing amount of data generated daily, it is becoming increasingly difficult for organizations to manage and govern their…

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