Tough Conversations of Leadership

Leadership requires mutual trust but also the courage to talk the truth. I am surprised when I learn a “leader” is hesitant to have tough conversations about attitude or performance. It is even more shocking when I discover they keep performance files on direct reports discussed at annual or semi-annual performance reviews. Employees have expectations…

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Leaders Don’t Listen? Really?

Condoleezza Rice once said, “When you’re in a position of authority, you need truth-tellers around you.” Did she hit the mark? You bet.First, let us agree that one element of leadership is the authority. To be a leader, you must have some authority. This authority isn’t determined by power but by your ability to motivate,…

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The Eight Attributes of a Transformational Leader

I have been very lucky to work for CEOs who understood the principle that leadership is not about doing business as usual but about transforming the organization. Transformation is what differentiates a capable leader from a great leader. Transformational leadership is not easy. It is fraught with risk and reward, angst and celebration, stress and…

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Work-Life Balance is a Myth

Wouldn’t it be nice if our lives were compartmentalized into neat little boxes? This box is for work; this box is for play, this box is for friends, this box is for the family – you get the point. However, life doesn’t work this way. Life is a giant mash-up of all of these parts,…

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