A Job Candidate’s Guide to Finding a Cultural Fit

Selecting the right company to work for involves more than just matching your skills to the job description. Understanding the culture is vital, directly impacting job satisfaction, professional growth, and overall well-being. Here are the steps you take before the interview or before you apply: Research the Company The internet is a treasure trove of…

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Is your job spiraling into (un)planned obsolescence?

Yes, even in the financial services sector, robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence will disrupt or eliminate your job. Here are the types of jobs that are at risk: Tasks that are simple and repetitious Job functions that can be done using an AI or Machine Learning algorithm. Jobs that involve data entry from disparate…

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Leadership of Knowing When to Hand It Off

Leadership is about knowing when to step forward and knowing when to step away. Many times in my career, I have had a chance to do both. In my experience, stepping forward is much easier than stepping back. In every leadership role, there is a tipping point. Most leaders’ error is not seeing that tipping…

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