Feeling Pressure for a Hasty Executive Hiring Decision?

Recently, I have observed several credit unions make hiring mistakes for key executives, including CEOs. The disruption these “hasty hires” cause is palatable. In one situation, a CEO who lacked the strategic mindset the credit union needed was hired. In another, there was a significant skill gap; they hired a “finance person” when they needed…

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Credit Unions Embracing the Future

The Transition to Web3 and Distributed Ledger Technology A new technology solution no only holds the potential for all credit unions but promises to level the playing field for smaller credit unions. This disruptive technology affordably transforms a credit union, allowing it to offer decentralized and transparent systems that promise to democratize financial services. Web3…

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How Small Credit Unions Can Become Vital

Credit CU Management

For the past 20+ years, credit unions seeking to grow, have made charter changes to community charters, often from multi-common bond or sole sponsorship charters. The goal was to minimize the perceived barriers to membership. The belief was that if anyone could join my credit union, growth would be unconstrained. In some cases, this was…

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Five Steps to Creating a Digital Culture

When asked “In the past year, which method did you use most often to manage your bank account(s)?” consumers responded as follows: Mobile (apps on smartphone or tablet) – 45% Internet/Online (Laptop or PC) – 27% Branches – 14% (Oct 31, 2022 – American Bankers Association) This statistic says a lot! Mobile utilization is the preferred method…

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The Seven Steps to Becoming an Innovative Credit Union

As the financial landscape evolves and becomes disrupted, credit unions face the challenge of staying relevant. To maintain relevancy, innovation becomes a must-have if the organization is to meet the changing needs of its members. Embracing innovation is vital for credit unions to thrive. But innovation, for innovation’s sake, is not helpful. All innovation must…

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Credit Unions, Innovate or Die…

Credit unions have been around for over a century and have played a vital role in providing financial services to consumers. However, the financial services industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, and credit unions need to innovate to remain relevant in today’s market. In the late 90s, online banking was an innovation…

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Best Practices for Achieving Strategic Alignment

A C-suite executive recently asked me, “One area where we have always struggled is with executives building their comprehensive plans. Have you seen that as a struggle elsewhere, and do you have any suggestions on addressing this? Strategic alignment and coordination are vital in attaining strategic success. Strategic alignment ensures that all aspects of a…

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