Crafting Leadership Excellence

The 12 Elements of a Successful Leadership Development Program for Credit Unions Credit unions operate in a highly volatile and competitive environment. Every major initiative requires cross-functional and cross-silo teams. Because of this ecosystem, credit unions must ensure consistent leadership behaviors and intentions for these diverse teams to be effective and execute expertly. Strong leadership…

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Disrupting Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning 2.0 As we transition out of the strategic planning season, and after twenty years of being part of strategic planning on both sides of the table, I’ve observed the following process. The credit union identifies a strategic planning event on the calendar and often hires a strategic planning consultant to facilitate the meeting.…

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Leadership Requires INTENTIONAL Active Listening

Good News: Active Listening is a Learned Skill In a fast-paced and increasingly remote and digital world, communication has taken various forms, from texting and email to video calls and social media. With the rapid evolution of our work environment, communication needs to be seen in the prism of the art of active listening. We…

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Twelve Steps to Bonding with Your Members

Unlike traditional banks, credit unions have a mission to serve their members, not shareholders. This fundamental difference makes building solid and lasting relationships with their members possible. To make members love their credit union, focusing on delivering exceptional service, fostering trust, and offering financial products that meet their needs is essential. Below, I will explore…

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Discovering Your Niche

How Credit Unions Can Identify and Serve Unique Markets Credit unions are known for their community-based approach and member-centric services. While larger banks are designed to cater to a broad spectrum of customers, “being all things to all people,” credit unions can have a distinct advantage by serving specific niche markets that require customized products…

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Five Lessons in Resilience 9/11 Taught Us

Most of us remember the horror of watching two planes fly into the World Trade Center towers. I remember watching the second plane fly into the south tower. It was like watching a movie, but it was real and terrifying. Even after 20 years, I still feel a deep sorrow when I reflect on this…

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