Strategic Planning – Is there a right way?

Strategic planning isn’t: A box to check on your NCUA examination. A one or two-day brainstorming event To plan incremental growth without changing anything Done during budgeting time. Strategic planning should be started in Q1 or Q2 so that when the organization gets to budgeting time, the strategic objectives have been established, and the resource,…

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Your Digital Strategy is Probably Wrong

Competing in the digital space is getting more difficult and more and more essential to the credit union’s sustainability. Chances are, your current digital strategy is missing these five things. Organizational Alignment – most credit unions have all their data in silos. IT is doing one thing, marketing another, branches another, call center another, remote…

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Seven Steps to Collaboration in Disagreement

When all parties are agreeable, collaboration is easy. It is when the parties are not agreeable that a leader goes to work. Disagreements can come from many sources and for many reasons, but the key to connecting opposing positions starts with understanding all sides. How can a leader create a collaborative effort when disagreement is…

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Great Endings yield Great Beginnings

Change is in my DNA. We don’t need to face change; we also need to embrace change. If you feel your credit union or CUSO needs to look at change differently and would like the steps to implement change,  my core competencies include the following:Digital transformation – building a digital strategy, the tactics, the organizational…

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Change Leadership in 8 Steps

All teams have three participants: change agents, change neutrals, and change resistors. The key to leading change is empowering the change agents, influencing the change equivocators, and helping the change resistors understand the WIIFM (what’s in it for me). Here are the critical steps to leading change. First, identify who fits into these categories because…

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3 Steps to Finding the Right CEO

At the top of the hierarchy, there are all kinds of leaders from all sorts of backgrounds. But typically in a world of shareholder returns, ROE, ROA, capital ratios, and expense ratios, the corner office is often a numbers expert, usually from the CFO ranks. Is this leadership succession the best thing for an organization?…

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Integrations Standard – The Time Has Come

Fifty-four third party integrations to core; what does this number mean? This number represents: 54 separate IT projects that include hours upon hours of IT resources 54 separate contacts for professional services and the related costs 54 different technologies that may have to be updated or tested with every core or system update 54 times…

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