Credit Unions, Innovate or Die…

Credit unions have been around for over a century and have played a vital role in providing financial services to consumers. However, the financial services industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, and credit unions need to innovate to remain relevant in today’s market. In the late 90s, online banking was an innovation…

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Learn to Lead with Gratitude

It is a Transformative Power of Leadership In our fast-paced and demanding role as a leader, where decisions are made, strategies formulated, and teams directed, expressing gratitude is vital. Leading with gratitude goes beyond politeness; it is a strategic approach that fosters positive relationships, builds trust, and enhances team dynamics. In this article, I will…

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Best Practices for Achieving Strategic Alignment

A C-suite executive recently asked me, “One area where we have always struggled is with executives building their comprehensive plans. Have you seen that as a struggle elsewhere, and do you have any suggestions on addressing this? Strategic alignment and coordination are vital in attaining strategic success. Strategic alignment ensures that all aspects of a…

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A Job Candidate’s Guide to Finding a Cultural Fit

Selecting the right company to work for involves more than just matching your skills to the job description. Understanding the culture is vital, directly impacting job satisfaction, professional growth, and overall well-being. Here are the steps you take before the interview or before you apply: Research the Company The internet is a treasure trove of…

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Adapting “Management by Walking Around” for the Hybrid Credit Union

“Management by walking around” (MBWA) has been a management staple for decades. The phrase was popularized in the 1980s. Consultants Tom Peters and Robert Waterman explored the idea in their 1982 book, In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best-Run Companies. It involves leaders physically visiting their staff to observe their engagement and effort to understand…

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Crafting Leadership Excellence

The 12 Elements of a Successful Leadership Development Program for Credit Unions Credit unions operate in a highly volatile and competitive environment. Every major initiative requires cross-functional and cross-silo teams. Because of this ecosystem, credit unions must ensure consistent leadership behaviors and intentions for these diverse teams to be effective and execute expertly. Strong leadership…

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Disrupting Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning 2.0 As we transition out of the strategic planning season, and after twenty years of being part of strategic planning on both sides of the table, I’ve observed the following process. The credit union identifies a strategic planning event on the calendar and often hires a strategic planning consultant to facilitate the meeting.…

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